[-------------------------------------------------------------------------] SWEET FUCKING CHRIST! THE HOODLUMS OF THE IMPULSE BRING UNTO YOU... [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] ____ ____ ____ _I_R_ | || |\ \ M E | || |/____/ Southernicity P A | || |\ \ ir file number 129 U L |____||____| |____| released 5.4.01 L I | || |\| | by Xade S T |____||____| |____| we're just fucking with your mind. E Y even_god_reads_it [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] -oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo- [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] Monday and Tuesday of Spring Br(g)eek I had to travel with my mother and brother to Louisianna to visit family. All you do in southern culture is "visit." You sit around and pass the time by "visiting." This consists of talking loudly about nothing in particular. Conversation has no real point. Communication is not the objective. The sheer reason is to pass the time in each other's company, no matter how pleasant or not. So you sit there just talking about stupid things... like your dog's behavior and how you shop for groceries or something. This is by far the most mundane, mind-numbing experience I've ever had to endure. Hours upon hours on end. Nothing but sitting. "Visiting." Doing nothing constructive. Just letting time pass. Letting it pass as you do nothing about the crap you complain about. Complaining about stuff that doesnt even directly involve you. Why do people sit around and do this. Get up! Do something! Live! BE!!! For some reason you have to sit around for at least an hour for it to be socially acceptable that you did indeed "visit." Otherwise it's rude. I dont like this practice. It's part of the southern "culture" or "religion" (because they follow certain Southern Sacrements as "visiting") Growing up I never liked the term "visit." I still dont. There's a certain connotation to it that I myself would prefer not to be a part of. I hate chit-chat and small talk. I wish I didnt have to do it. I avoid it. No wonder I'm no good at dating. I want conversation. I want communication. Please do not just talk at me. Talk to me. Be interesting. BE. [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD! IT WAS ANOTHER FUCKING IR FILE MAN! Copyright (c) 2001 IMPULSE REALITTY PRESS - http://ir.phonelosers.net [-------------------------------------------------------------------------]