[-------------------------------------------------------------------------] SWEET FUCKING CHRIST! THE HOODLUMS OF THE IMPULSE BRING UNTO YOU... [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] ____ ____ ____ _I_R_ | || |\ \ You Remind Me of M E | || |/____/ a Home-Town I once Knew P A | || |\ \ ir file number 135 U L |____||____| |____| released 5.4.01 L I | || |\| | by PaperHeartCutOut S T |____||____| |____| we're just fucking with your mind. E Y even_god_reads_it [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] -oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo- [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] The fumes of this world, this cookie-cutter suburbia, suffocates this small-town girl. I sputter and cough out the polluion. You breathe in deeply my worries, regrets, hatred... my malignancy. It sticks to, sits it, your lungs, your sould, but still, you hold me (regardless). you cradle me, console, comfort me in this void that is life. And in your gaze I know that when there is no where where I am welcome, you will still feel like home to me. [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD! IT WAS ANOTHER FUCKING IR FILE MAN! Copyright (c) 2001 IMPULSE REALITTY PRESS - http://ir.phonelosers.net [-------------------------------------------------------------------------]