db d8888b. .-------------------------------------------------------. 88 `8D | impulse reality press presents... | `88' 88oobY' `-------------------------------------------------------' 88 88`8b [ ir file no. 230 | released 03/20/03 | 100% tasty text ] .88. 88 `88. [ "When God Speaks" ] Y8888P 88 YD [ written by linear ] .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | the revolution will be one fueled by art and love alone, | | there is no hope for revolution based on anything else. | `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' When God speaks... maybe i have the stereo on too loud (i tend to zone out a lot) Or maybe he just mumbles a lot... I have awful hearing. probably because of that stereo thing i was talking about. It's not that i don't like you, Jesus, I've just been too busy to return your calls. you understand, right? Try hitting me up on my cell. Anyway, I'm tired. I'll talk to you later, Jesus. .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | impulse reality happy fun time goodness | `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' permission is granted to spread material within this text document freely. we kindly ask that you properly credit it's author(s) for their hard work! all rights are retained by the author(s), respectively .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | | | IMPULSE REALITY E'ZINE CAN BE REACHED ON THE WEB AT... | | http://www.phonelosers.net/ir | | | | FOR IMPORTANT, UP-TO-DATE TEXT SCENE NEWS, VISIT... | | http://www.textscene.com | | | | THE OLD WORLD IS BEHIND YOU. | | | `-------------------------------------------------------------------------'